A wonderful opportunity to be in retreat, away in the countryside – or in your own home, with the online weekends.
Finding peace in ourselves may be the best contribution we can give in these times.
Our retreats are designed to guide you to discover your True Self, the untouched, pure awareness that cannot be disturbed.
The variation of movement and stillness, the many forms of meditation make our retreats into an intense, insightful and colorful experience.
Early mornings, we practice qigong outside and all day there are sitting and walking meditations, yoga, and Dharmatalks. Also at least one mindful walk into the nearby nature reserve.
Most of our retreats are held in Zen Center Noorder Poort in Drenthe; a wonderfully quiet and peaceful place.
When there are non-Dutch speaking participants, we will teach in English or bilingually.

Throw everything away, forget about it all…
give life a chance to flow its own way,
unassisted by your mind and effort.
Stop directing the river’s flow.
– Mooji