Corine Datema

In January 2020, I completed the Yin Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training with the delightful couple Anoshe & Nigam Overington at Stillness-in-Yoga in Doorn.
Since more than 20 years I have been practicing hatha yoga on and off with Martyn Hoogstra. Also since 2018, I intensively practice qigong, which I discovered through Ciska and Paula Gruben.

What I love about qigong and yoga, is that it makes you aware of your qi (life energy) that you can feel moving through your body during the movements and poses. It makes you feel strong and content. It connects you to the deeper layers in yourself and your surroundings. Directing your attention inward, brings you in the moment and allows you to experience that you are not your body.

How lovely to have the opportunity to share this knowledge in the small temple of Ciska and Stef in Amsterdam-Zuid.

Tesse Goossens

What is the meaning of life and what am I doing here really, in this world ?
These questions have intrigued me since I was young.
And who or what am I?
An idea of wanting and even having to understand this, created a restlessness.

Yoga taught me to observe this restlessness peacefully. An interest in yoga was there already when I was young, but by then it was not yet available in my surroundings. With Ciska, this growing awareness has really come to life, and a foundation was laid from which new insights arise every day.

The 200 hrs Yin Yoga Teacher Training and the 50 hrs Hatha and Yoga Philosophy Training, both at De Nieuwe Yogaschool, brought me self-confidence to share with others.

Every day again I am lucky to discover something that helps me to embrace life more and more in unity and trust.